Hi! I'm Abigail Bronte and this is my blog about books! Please comment and subscribe

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Get Reading!

Hello there! I was wondering recently about having a new section on Readalot and then I got it... what about character profiles?! How cool would that be? SO COOL!! So I'm going to now share with you my character profile for Beth in the classic; Little Women:

Name: Beth
Age: 14
Personality: Shy, loyal, trustworthy, smiley, friendly, she shares all the time
Looks: Pale face, brown hair (I think!)
Looks up to: Jo and Marmee
Talents: Playing piano, being lovely and caring for kittens.

Now it's time for book and author of the week! And they are... Little Women and C.S. Lewis! Little Women is an old classic about four sisters who's Dad is away at war and there is many situations ahead of them. They start a little secret club, meet new friends and experience some truly upsetting things. It's a really great book and I recommend it to anyone who likes books about families. Little Women is worth reading so don't disappoint me! If you like it or hate it, you can send me a book review at abbybronte@hotmail.co.uk

C.S. Lewis was the creative novelist of the book series, The Chronicles of Narnia. C.S. Lewis' most famous books are probably the Narnia ones, after all, one million copies were sold in forty sevens different languages! C.S. Lewis was also very brave because he went to join the British Army. Rest in peace, C.S. Lewis.

The Readalot Writing Competition 2012 starts in eight days! I'm so excited, I can't wait to read all the wonderful and imaginative stories!!!! Also, Readalot's first birthday will be this year and if you email me and say you'd like to become a member of my Write-A-Story Club or my Readalot Updates Club, you will recieve a special e-card from me.

Readalot Updates Club is loads of Readalot secrets, events coming up, book recommendations and SO much more! Please join, just give me an email!

Please send me your book reviews too, I'm always interested to hear what you think. There will be loads more next week! Lots of love, Abigail Bronte xoxo


  1. Hello Aby,

    That post was so special U said it from the heart. Sadly, though, I will not be doing the writing contest for I hadn't had enough notice.

    Sapphire Feather

  2. Oh please post more often like I have!

    Sapphy Feathy
